Rector’s Letter – February 2018

“He (Jesus) said to them, ‘Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money – not even an extra tunic” [Luke 9:3]

Dear folks,

As many of you know, our last Sunday at St Mary’s is the 11th February; we move the very next day. The Rectory is upside down right now. Most of our things are packed away already with really just the essentials remaining that we will pack over the last week or so before we move. It’s been quite a job going through the garage, and emptying the loft. It’s staggering how much can build up in five years!

I am finding it amazing what we can manage without, how much stuff we possess but never use, and how little we really need to be able to get by. With the above text from Luke in mind, ‘Travelling Light’ was once the theme of one of our Church Army Biennial conferences. It addressed that very issue, and how much of what we have accumulated to make our lives easier, actually make it harder for us to serve God. It was an encouragement to live uncomplicated lives, and to not burden ourselves either with unnecessary obligations and responsibilities, or possessions. Why? Because not only do such things weigh heavily on the soul, but the care and love of them can distract and divert us from the calling that has been placed upon us. Holy orders such as the Franciscans and the Poor Clares required novitiates to take a vow of poverty for that very reason (St Clare dedicated her order to the strict principles of Francis, setting a rule of extreme poverty far more severe than that of any female order of the time).

Excepting those still in such devoted orders, the experience of today’s ministers and missionaries in transit is a far cry from that of the early saints, who would often set out with what little they had in a coracle, rather than a 15 tonne removal lorry. I am glad that I don’t have to put on my sandals and wander off down the M6. But a simpler life with less material stuff to care about would be profoundly beneficial for all of us – that’s something worthy of much reflection during Lent.

For now, Andrea and I will take our things to our next home and spend a week or two unpacking them all again. But one thing that we can’t take with us, that will be especially hard to leave behind, is you. We have loved being a part of the family of St Mary’s and the community of Dunblane and will miss you greatly.

I pray that as you enter this next chapter and begin to look for the next Rector, that it will not be a long vacancy, and that you find and appoint the right person. And I would urge you to help keep the burdens for that person light that they will be at liberty to love and serve you with joy, and that you’ll be a blessing to each other.

With love in Christ,
